Working Remotely: Office not required (sometimes)

I read a lot of books. I also listen to a lot of different podcasts on business, finance, real estate and property management. I always marvel when a host of a podcast gets on the mic and says “oh yeah, I read that book in one day or I read that book twice on a flight to a conference”. How does that even happen? I’ve never been a fast reader and I’ve always reread the page to digest the information […]

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Security Deposits: 13 Step Checklist for Returning the Security Deposit

How Should You Return the Security Deposit at the End of the Tenancy? You have had a resident follow the proper protocol you outlined in your written lease agreement to give you proper Notice To Quit. Things are ending amiably with a great resident, probably buying a new house for their family, but regardless, they are moving out of your rental and you currently hold a Security Deposit. What do you do now? Below we have outlined the steps you […]

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Security Deposits: Do’s and Don’ts Steps To Follow

Steps to Follow When Taking a Security Deposit When handling Security Deposits there are a few steps that need to occur to avoid getting into trouble and if you miss a step the penalties can be steep. If you miss one of the criteria for your Security Deposits the damages amount to the landlord may be three-fold. Security Deposits are always a concern for landlords. Some landlords are comfortable taking the deposit while other avoid them like the plague. The Security […]

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