It is always a good idea to end the showing on a positive note. So after you have filled out the application, given the copies of pay stubs, your photo ID and credit report if you have it, to the landlord. Then it’s a great idea so follow-up with a little note or text message about an hour or two after the showing. The daily details of managing properties may distract most landlords. A little reminder or thank you that you just met will do well to get you noticed.
It doesn’t need to be much at all. Start off by thanking them for your time to show you the unit. Mention a few of the benefits and features that you can point out about the apartment that you really like. When thanking them for their time, also state that you look forward to hearing from them soon with their decision.
In closing the follow-up text, ask some type of question that would require a response from the landlord. Something like, “Do you have an idea or when you will be making your decision?” Or something else to the idea of “Is there anything else I can provide you with that would help you make your decision sooner?”
These little details show the landlord that you truly are interested in the apartment and you are more than willing to assist them to reach a decision to give you the apartment. Everyone knows first impressions count so much. But people forget how important it is to follow-up after the meeting.
Do you have any ideas on this topic you could share to help our online community? Please chime in to share a comment or review.
Warmest regards,
Brian Lucier
Belaire Property Management
Regional Property Manager
(978) 448-0669
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