Why I Love Millennials as a Rental Market Class

Millennials between the age of 18 and 33 get a bum wrap in today’s society as being self-entitled brats who think the world owes them something. Well, hold the phone, I have to step up to the plate on their behalf and let you know why I think our society may be in pretty good hands with our future generation driving the bus down the road. To set the record straight here. Let’s face it. I am not a Millennial, in fact I’m far […]

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Talking Teaches, Listeners Learn: Business Tips for Landlords

Asking the right questions to build trust and rapport helps in closing the sale. No man is an island and no successful businessperson ever made it big without the help of others. There are so many people needed to build a successful business today. We need business advisors, mentors, coaches, lawyers, accountants, managers, assistants and a whole hosts of other specialty skill sets to make the wheels of progress turn. That is just on the business side of making operations […]

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Hot Summer! Hot Rental Market!

Two weeks ago I was sitting in my local barber shop taking a breather from a hectic rental unit renovation schedule for make-ready units and lease ups. I had a few moments to relax, get a hair cut, and to read the local newspaper and found myself scouring the classified ads. I always liked to check out my market for available rentals and see how the rental market was doing in my area. Not only was my hair getting trimmed […]

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The “Landlord” Lone Ranger

Know your State Sanitary Code, Building Code and Tenant/Landlord Laws in your local market. I see it happen all of the time in our local Northern Worcester County Landlord Association. I call them Lone Rangers. Some would-be-hopefully-landlord reads a book or attends a weekend seminar. They have stars in their eyes with visions of grandeur. The see the big picture as a full-color dream laid out before them of riches and fortune because they are going to buy their first property […]

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All Landlords and Property Managers are Not Created Equally

Belaire Property Management has been in the property management business for our landlords and property owners since 2001 in Northern Worcester County. We have worked hard to establish a well-respected track record along the way from our colleagues, landlords and residents. We keep a log of testimonials on our Belaire Property Management Web Site and update the page from time to time when folks go out of their way to have something nice to say. For the most part, we are doing […]

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Tips for Apartment Renters on Getting Your Dream Apartment

Like most potential residents looking for an apartment, by now you’ve probably called a lot of different landlords and you may be frustrated with the lack of communication between you and the landlord when trying to find out about the apartment. Landlords also have been speaking to a number of people about the apartments they have to rent over and over again. Sometimes, the landlord too becomes frustrated with people who call looking for an apartment who aren’t prepared at all to have the conversation. Lots of landlords I know, […]

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